Sunday, April 12, 2015

Classification Matters

One thing a lot of visitors are curious about when it comes to animals is which ones are related to which.  If it's my job to help people learn about the animals around them, I should get this stuff straight.

According to Wikipedia, egrets and bitterns are types of herons.  At CuriOdyssey, we have some herons (green, great blue, and black-crowned night) and egrets (but no cranes or storks).  A lot of children that come through think that the herons are flamingos, and I tell them they're on the right track, since flamingos are also birds that like water. 

Ultimately, the understanding I want to impart to kids is that the way animals look and act is related to how they live.  A lot of times I am not sure what exactly someone thinks it means to call some species "cousins," but just saying that seems to satisfy questioners.
Some egrets at Shoreline.

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